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Prove The Bibles Accuracy And Truth

Questions raised about the validity of the Bible have always been welcome, because they only help the person searching find accuracy and life in it.

These questions are raised because the Bible has been written by different authors over hundreds and thousands of years ago. This can make it almost impossible for the record of any event to be accurately passed on for generations, of course, if it was solely human effort. Below are facts that help us recognize God’s divine plan and work, knit throughout the Bible, proving its accuracy.

  • Unity in the Bible: It is astounding to know that stories written by over 40 different authors, over hundreds of years, reflect the same message and relevance to one another. Irrespective of the distance and time, its purpose and consistency are impeccable. From Genesis to the time of Jesus and beyond, the Bible is consistent in its message. From the fall of mankind, God pursuing mankind, mankind always falling short, to Jesus’ life and sacrifice, reconciling us back to Him. The consistency attained through the Bible could only be possible because it is the truth.

  • Dead Sea Scrolls: The oldest manuscripts, written closest to the time of the event, are considered most accurate. Subsequently, those that are written much later can lose accuracy because of the time gap from its occurrence, its understanding, and errors in communication. In 1947 bedouin teenagers found scrolls (the Dead Sea scrolls) that were later known to be more than 2000 years old. After a little research, archaeologists found between 800-900 manuscripts, which made up 200 copies of old testament books. Some of these manuscripts were over a thousand years older than any previously discovered copy. The older manuscripts reflected an astounding accuracy with only minor differences to the manuscripts that were found much later. This supports the fact that the Bible even until 1947 carried great accuracy through generations and thousands of years, such that is not humanly possible.

  • Confirmed By Archeology And History: Over the years, archeologists and historians made discoveries that confirm what the Bible had to say about ancient cities, towns, customs, and disputes. Also, because of the Bible’s accuracy, the Bible is often used as a guide for archeological excavations.

  • Fulfilled Prophecies The Old Testament book, Daniel, prophesied about the rise and fall of the Babylonians, Persians, Greeks, and Romans accurately several years before those events took place. We also find numerous Old Testament prophecies about Jesus’ birth, life, ministry, betrayal, death, and resurrection that all came true.

  • Verified by the people through the ages: The events through the Bible were written by eyewitnesses with great detail. Such writings, being passed through generations, are a testimony of its approval and verification by the people of its time. This can also be said of the New Testaments writings. The unity between the Gospels (the 4 different books about the life of Jesus) is a remarkable proof of its accuracy. People during the time of Jesus and in the following generations closer to His time, wouldn’t let accounts of Jesus’ life that weren’t true go further. Inaccuracy in these accounts would have stirred up trouble, suppressing it. However, all of the eye-witness accounts and writings that have been passed on, have proven the test of time and were affirmed by the people in their period.

  • Alive and Active: The Bible is powerful and its words have been alive and active for generations now. People’s lives are transformed and miracles happen by the words of the Bible. This kind of an impact is possible only because it addresses every aspect of human life.

The Holy Bible is the word of God. This is the only reason for such astounding accuracy and the life it carries.


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