A majority of our life revolves around our faith and the belief systems that we hold on to so religiously. And in most cases, these are beliefs passed on for generations and are held dearer than life, without considering its reality. While numerous practices and aspects can raise questions about its truth, we never dare to investigate them. However, it’s not impossible and complex to explore the truth, but with a sincere pursuit, it’s within our reach.
By exploring 3 basic aspects, we can validate the reality of any belief system, religion or God.
Find it’s historical evidence
Present relevance
Active reality of its power even today.
By looking out for these aspects, you can start to identify the truth even at the most basic level of your search.
Find it’s historical evidence: They would have left traces to support it. God is supreme, beyond time and existed even before us. This implies that the existence of God should be found through civilizations, over thousands of years. Any God or belief system must be historically proven. Historical evidence that exists even today is important. This historical evidence can be writings, physical locations or structures and more. While many belief systems have been practiced for a very long time, this historical evidence alone does not define its reality, but the combination of all the three aspects.
Present relevance: Man was deprived of the ability to live morally and without sin during the years when the Bible was written and even now. God is not limited only to the past, he is not bound by time, and this makes His laws and His existence relevant to all generations. If God could go out of relevance, He wouldn’t be God after all. Explore the present relevance of your God, your belief system and its teachings. While what is superficial can be twisted to fit our needs, your honest search will help you see the truth.
Active reality of its power today: Some can claim that certain belief systems meet the first and second criteria, but this third aspect is the defining factor. Active reality is the power and truth of God that is alive with proof and evidence which are constantly seen. While God is supernatural, we should witness the truth of scriptures come to life, supernatural occurrences, experiences, and miracles even today. God is so true that His reality can’t be hidden and silenced.
The reality of any God or belief system can be validated by the above three aspects.
After a simple search or tedious research, you will find that only Jesus and Christianity meet the above 3 necessary criteria.
What good will it be for someone to gain the whole world, yet forfeit their soul? Matthew 16:26 (Source: The Bible)
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