How did life come to be?
The theory of evolution suggests that something was created from nothing and went on with the process of natural selection.
Creation is the belief that everything was created by God.
The secular world teaches the theory of evolution and believes it to be true while disregarding the realities of its limitations.
Physical evidence entirely will never be sufficient to prove a matter of divine and supernatural involvement. Here, we will investigate both sides and you will have a more defined perspective to take your stand.
Can the theory of evolution be proved by science?
Evolution has never been proved and still remains a theory. While it is also argued to be a fact, it disregards numerous other considerations.
For evolution to take place from animal to man, there is immense amount of time that is needed and there is no evidence we existed for soo long. It needs more faith to believe the many other assumptions the scientists have put forward in the favor of evolution.
There is no missing link discovered. If man evolved from apes, there should be evidence of half-man-half-ape.
The biggest problem is the creation of life out of nothing. Even when scientists create something new, it can never be without already existing matter. Until now, there is no evidence of life coming out of nothing. While disregarding the account of creation, scientists try to make sense of other phenomena. Even if they sound convincing enough for some in this justification, creation has more evidence that outweighs evolution.
The big bang theory explains that all matter was together in one place and an explosion took place that united together to form life. But this fails to explain who created this matter or where it came from.
Another proof of evolution that is trumpeted is the Geological column (a rock column that illustrates sixteen periods of time on the planet). However no such column existed originally, it was artificially created to depict the evolution theory.
Cross-breeding of animals can be done only within its kind. If two animals mated like a lion and a tiger, the result species will be infertile and cannot reproduce itself, hence numerous species could not come out of one kind. The bible says God created according to their kind.
It is claimed that chimps are the closest cousins to man and we evolved from them. But from the 6 out of 10 similar points between us and chimps, the other four that chimps don’t possess is language, communication, creativeness and intelligence. When did these differences come in humans? Which chimp was found to be in it’s mid-transformation to man?
Though some scientific justifications are popular because people find God's existence outlandish, there are numerous other questions that science can't answer, that outweigh the few convincingly popular claims.
Is the biblical account of creation true?
A lot of principles practiced and believed in the world today are based on biblical truths. However, people leave aside what requires faith or effort to prove.
In the case of creation, the bible teaches it is a fact and takes it for granted as it is already established. Genesis starts with God creating the world and then the Psalms and other books of the bible talk of the same. If we fail to accept the record of Genesis chapters 1-3 with the creation and the fall, Jesus was not needed. But the fact of Jesus’s existence, death on the cross, resurrection, and all its historical evidence do exist. This proves the prophecies that were made hundreds of years before Jesus about him, were to make right what Adam and Eve wronged in Genesis, the main account of creation.
Creation is the basis for all ethical lifestyles. The creation rests on God’s initiative and depends on God’s activity. While the creation accounts are not scientific theories of origin but are instead ethical and religious in nature. Lack of this belief in creation leads to post-modernism with no belief in anything, leading to a lack of hope.
Finally, failure to believe in creation and a creator leads to secular humanism. This leads to opinions of evolution and that we can make decisions based on our desires causing a majority of the wrongs in the world today.
The truth lies ahead of us, all evidence at our reach and for most other phenomena that lack 100% evidence to be the work of God, they indefinitely outweigh those that claim otherwise.
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